Σάββατο 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Cosmic & human interactions during the Apollo 17 flight to the Moon (an astrological study)

Fourty-one years ago today the last manned vehicle to another celestial body was launched (on December 7th, 1972), Apollo 17! That was the very last mission of the epic NASA "Apollo" series (that actually brought men to the Moon) and the longest one in duration. The Apollo 17 astronauts remained for more than 12 days out of the earth's protective cocoon and within the realm of the unforgiving deep space. It broke many records and among them the longest extravehicular activities - moonwalks time.So this mission is offering us a wide field - much wider than any previous Apollo mission - to study the dynamics of the cosmic and human interactions that took place in those 12 days spent in outer space and on the surface of the Moon.

The composition of the Apollo 17 crew is - under an astrological point of view - somehow iconic! You see all three astronauts belong to the same astrological "Element", to the so called "Water" element. And not only this but each one of them was representing a single sign of the watery triad! Starting with the civilian member of the crew, geologist Harrison Schmitt who is a Cancer and Ronald Evans who was a Scorpio and commander Eugene Cernan who is a Pisces, the three Apollo 17 astronauts were perfectly representing the "watery triad" (Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces).

Let's see Harrison Schmitt's chart.

And now his "triplex" chart cast for the day of the Apollo 17 launch:

And last but not least Ronald Evans':

And here is his triplex at the time of the Apollo 17 mission.

Last but not least, commander Eugene Cernan is a double Pisces (both his Sun and his Moon are in the sign of Pisces). One wouldn't think of a double Pisces (a sign portrayed as mutable, weak, confused) would be the commander of such an epic mission. Astrology is not that simple and single-layered. The sign of Pisces i.e. is a universal one, thus more proper for a space mission. And it's not "weak" in the sense an average person perceives weakness, because Pisces possess a kind of "cosmic strength". Plus, his Second House stellium bestows him with a lot of stability, practicality and earthness (his Capricorn Ascendant too). This is Cernan's chart:

(his so called "triplex" chart). On the Apollo 17 mission period Cernan had Both his progressed Sun and Mars (the two most energetic and "activating" planets in the char) in conjunction to his natal Uranus (the planet that this the ikon of space and space exploration)!

By the transits of those days we can say that Cernan experienced the launch date as if he were in a short of limbo (transiting Moon was in his 12th House as you may see below). The "unusuial experience", "space" section of his horoscope (his Elventh House) was over- activated at the time by the presence of transiting Sun and by the ruler of his own sign Neptune! All his personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) were concentrated in his Tenth House - showing how importan this mission was, how responsible and concentrated, how professional he had to be on those days.